Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Sea Adventure

Today is Tuesday, October 13 and we are beginning our second week of the journey.
We had a good night's sleep once we decided to relax and enjoy the room.
We had breakfast in the hotel, too, and we had the dining room almost to ourselves again. Breakfast was nothing special -- fruit, an egg and English muffin and, of course, coffee. We read much of the newspaper while we ate. Then, we went back to our room and had time for a game of Scrabble --- this one was Earla's... We got definite directions and were off about 10:30 for the ferry. It was an easy drive, especially after the round about way we managed to find the hotel. At the ferry, we got in line and were directed into the boarding area about 11. When we went into the terminal to have a cup of coffee, we were told that waves would be 3 to 5 feet high, so we might want to take something for motion sickness. We bought Dramamine with our coffee and were told we should eat something with it, so of course, we needed muffins. We took our meds, relaxed and waited to be called to the ferry. Earla had to drive the car on by herself, so I stood next to a woman who was from Pittsburgh. She and her husband had come to Michigan and had driven around the lake through Chicago --- they were not going to do that again, so they were doing the ferry thing, too. Once on, we settled into chairs with a table between us and set up the Scrabble game.... We got a pretty good start when the ferry began to rock. Then, we began to feel a little squeamish. Then, a little more. The Scrabble game was put away and we closed our eyes and prayed for sleep. It was not fun. I kept thinking, "I wish I could just sleep." The next thing I knew, Earla was saying, "Bergel, I think we are here." And, indeed we were pulling into the port at Muskegon, MI and feeling quite fine. We were amazed. We drove off of the ferry and to Anita's house. Her directions were very good and it was a short drive. Anita is Chuck Olson's (from St Mark) niece. Anita greeted us with, "I hope you are hungry." Since our stomachers were no longer feeling as though they were in a blender, i, at least, actually was. We were offered a hot cider with pineapple juice in it that was wonderful. Then, she sat us down to chili, crackers and a pasta salad... oh so good! After dinner, we played a card game called flinch. I'm not sure if it was a good game or not because I lost so fast. The goal was to get the lowest score and I scored 300 points in one hand alone. I laid out and the rest of them played and played. They finally joined me in the living room and we watched NCIS --- some things you just can't miss, even on vacation! During NCIS, we were served (yes, again!) crackers, a cheese ball that was yummy, and grapes and I had some cherry wine from northern Michigan.. Oh, we are being treated so well by a lovely couple who didn't even know us when we appeared on their doorstep. Anita says she's practicing because she wants to open a B and B. I'd say she's found one of her gifts and that and B and B would be just right for her. I am off to bed in the Thomas Kinkade room and Earla is in the pirate room. No more sea references for me in a while!! Tomorrow, we head East to Detroit.


  1. Since cousin Marie wants to know -- I have to ask : 1. How long did the ferry trip take?
    2. How much did it cost?
    3. Did you have to book in advance?
    4. Would you do it again, given the opportunity?
    5. Was food available on board?
    6. were you comfortable during the crossing?

    I'm glad you had such a nice place to stay in Muskegon - It sounds grand. Oh by the way, were you happy with the motel accomodations in Milwaukee?
    It is really chilly in Wis. tonight. I hope it is warmer in Mich.
    Keep up the good work with blog writing - I'm enjoying it.

  2. Wow! What a voyage you had! I'd be queasy for sure. But the rest of your time sounds great and how nice of people who haven't met before to just fit in well and enjoy one another's company. Stewardship and evangelism rolled into one. You and Earla have those gifts too, so that is how it all works so well. Continue on a safe and adventurous journey. It's great to read all you have done, seen and the people you have met.

  3. I think you should have incorporated Scrabble into the title of your blog... Have you noticed that it makes its way into every entry? Just a suggestion.
